Embrace Our Beauty Now!
Standards.. The "ideal" beauty Standard has caused many to fight for something they will never be. Standards have caused low self-esteem, irrational thinking, tears, torn friendships, avoidance of mirrors, lack of exercise for fear of sweaty hair, missed opportunities, and most of all a denial of ourselves.
This site is about helping women feel empowered to embrace their beauty and not dictated by what society says is "ideal."
This movement is dedicated to all women but specifically women of color...the brown ladies, young, old, fearlessly in between...to those who sometimes feel like foreigners in their own skin...to those stalling, waiting, holding their breath, walking in someone else's shadow who doesn’t co-sign to who they are, prisoners in their own bodies, looking for an answer, a solution to be themselves.
Well, the solution is simple ‘cause you were born with it. You were designed for this assignment (to simply be you) at birth, so signing on is not the question, being brave enough to walk in it is...it being you now.
Join us in this movement designed to be our BEAUTIFUL selves, no matter what that looks like. Take a step into Beautiful YOU.
No more false advertisements or guest appearances. It’s time to be free AND EMBRACE OUR BEAUTY NOW...IT MATTERS.

I promise to accept who I am with love. I will try my best to abstain from judgment of myself and others. I will not reserve my power of love and acceptance of who I am now for the sake of others or as a result of my past. I am willing to give love and life for those who may need it knowingly or unknowingly. I will be the example. I will respect my gift of life, being born and uniquely made by first accepting who I am, perfectly and imperfectly made, and by keeping my mind and thoughts as pure as possible as I prepare daily to truly fall in love with myself first. I commit to grow in character and to learn to live in love and freedom.
Thoughtful Thursday

OBM Panel at
Winston Salem State University w/ W.I.L.D. Organization