The Stink!
So I walk in the restroom at my job, and I am hit by this infiltration of perfunctory stink. It was so stiff with reek that it made me...

Charleston Shooting Let the Church Say Amen
My grandfather has the early onset of dementia, and this is a pretty tough time for our family because he has been our Superman. I’ve...

It's Not a Black Thing! It's a Beauty Thing. I Hope You Understand...
So I have been asked a few times why my site is dedicated to Black women and women of color. I was even told that “I wanted to support...

My Truth
It’s simple. The truth is I’m living a lie. The other truth is I’ve been afraid to admit it first to myself and especially to others. The...

Photo Phobia...
Sooo...I have a photo phobia. I may take like 20 pictures, and I juuuusssst may like one. Some may view this as insecurity. I don't know...